A blog that talks about things that really don't effect you. Plus, it's about people that 99.4% of the world doesn't know even exist.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
School, School, and more Rain
So lately, it seems like I've had a lot more homework then usual. All I usually ever have to do is practice violin. And yes, that is homework for me. The increased pile of homework probably has something to do with the fact that there's only 37 days of school left. And the fact that CRTs are coming up in a few weeks. The cool part about CRTs this year is that I get to take them on a computer, instead of on those headache-inducing bubble sheets. But only I get to take them on the computer. David and Michael still have to use the bubble sheets. Anyway, moving on to other things. Tonight David and Michael have a piano recital. Up until last year, I would be included in it also, but I quit piano and took up violin, which I must say, I enjoy a whole lot more. I don't know what David and Michael are playing, but I do know that they are playing a piece by themselves, then doing a duet together. I think Michael may be playing the Star Wars theme. Also, David's baseball season has started. All of his games are during the week I believe. He had his first game on the 23rd, which he lost 9-5. He is currently at another one right now, and I don't know if he's winning or not. I have had 3 of my 7 soccer games so far. We've tied one, lost one, and won one. The one we won, the other team forfeited. Dad, David, and I are going to a Jazz game tonight. I will probably come home deaf. If you have ever been to a Jazz playoff game, you probably know what I mean. And last, but not least, I'm now 14 and David is 12. So we both go to Mutual together. We don't see each other really, unless it's a combined activity with all of our youth. Anyway, amazingly, I've run out of stuff to talk about. Maybe that's not that amazing.